To Produce A Masterpiece Takes, My Labor Of Love That Brings Inspired Innovation To Food Service By Marrying Innovation Thinking Designs With The Best Materials To Provide Products That Will Delight Chefs And Our Customers Together. Our Collaboration With One Of The Best German Techniques With Refining Innovation In Most Experienced Hands To Develop Best Quality Products For The Users, Which Makes You Fall In Love With Chef Morgan. All In House, High End Production Facilities Using The Best Grade Of Raw Materials, And Making Experienced Staff To Pay High Dedication To Make Every Single Piece A Masterpiece With Eco-Friendly Production Techniques And Happy Working Environment For Its Team.
Ein Meisterwerk Herstellen, Ist Mein Arbeiter Der Liebe, Dass Bringt Innovation Innovation Zum Lebensmitteldienst Innovative Denken Designs Mit Den Besten Materialien Liefern Sie Produkte, Die Chefs Und Unsere Erleben Kunden Zusammen. Unsere Zusammenarbeit Mit Einem Besten Deutschen Techniken, Die Innovationen Auf Mehr Erfahren Verfeinern Hände, Die Beste Qualitätsprodukte Für Die Nutzer Zu Entwickeln, Was Sie Mit Chef Morgan Lieben . Alles Im Haus, High End-Produktionseinrichtungen Mit Den Besten Grade Von Rohstoffen Und Erfahrung Von Mitarbeitern Bei Jedem Einzelstück A Hohe Einzahlung Geben Meisterstück Mit Umweltfreundlichen Produktionstechniken Und Glückliches Arbeitsumfeld Für Das Team.
Melamine Range
Melamine is a chemical compound that has a number of industrial uses, including the production of laminates, glues, dinnerware, adhesives, molding compounds, coatings and flame retardants. Melamine is a name used both for the chemical and for the plastic made from it. In this event, all references are to the chemical. There are no approved direct food uses for melamine, nor are there any recommendations in the Codex Alimentarius. Melamine is illegally added to inflate the apparent protein content of food products. Because it is high in nitrogen, the addition of melamine to a food artificially increases the apparent protein content as measured with standard tests.